
Sunday, October 24, 2010

7 is an Odd Number

so is it possible to bring together 7 women of very different backgrounds,  ages, lifestyles and experiences and end with a result that is filled with goodness, beauty, inspiration,  and love???  i am here to tell you the answer and it is a resounding YES!!

was it the constantly swirling mists with the light peeking shyly through ever so often?

or the white space between the swirling that our brains discovered following shiva nata practice?

was it the juicy conversations going on all day long with kindred souls who we felt really “got us”?

or the amazing variety of soul collage cards and their insights created and shared with the group?

was it the lovingly prepared, healthy and colorful meals?

or the interesting array of gourmet snacks everyone brought to share?

was it the intensity of the colors of nature muted by the flowing mists escorting the route on our hikes?

or the dilapidated barn we discovered and hung out at?

was it the cozy comfort of a rip-roaring fire in an inviting mountain lodge?

or the spirit woman stories shared amidst candlelight and said fire?

was it the lilting lines of soul-touching poetry filling the empty spaces?

or the insights being jotted down all through our days
 in each personal journal?

was it the vast smorgasbord of inspiring books available for our perusal?

or the excitement of making plans for the future
with friends we had only met 2 days before?

well, none of the above in isolation could produce the enchantment that we all were so fortunate to able to soak into..... but all of the above in combination..... well, i'm thinking that 7 is a MAGIC NUMBER!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Final Details

yup – that’s the stage i’m at.  shopping, putting together folders for the girls,  going over the itinerary,  putting  the finishing touches on  my powerpoints, sending out the final “homework” and “what to bring” list, checking the weather….

and getting excited!  i feel so much more confident having been through all of this once before.  i know in my heart that it’s going to be so wonderful and i truly cannot wait to greet each and every participant and give them a great big hug.  oh happy day!!