
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Inner Gardening Mini-Retreat!!

oh my goodness, i’m literally bursting with ideas over here. 
this event is going to be packed to the gills
with so much yumminess!!

The garden house will be our home base
 please join us on june 4th in the gardens, where we’ll do art and so much more!!  we’ll dig deep into our creative soil.  we’ll do a little pruning and trimming, plant some new seeds, cultivate and nourish them and end up with some new insights and a lovely project to take back home with us!  

So many varieties of flowers!!
 our day together will begin with some openers and breathing exercises from a yoga instructor to put us right into our creative zones (oh, and coffee!)  we’ll explore our own creative journeys through illustrated presentations, questions and prompts, journaling and sharing. then, after some photo tips and prompts, we’ll wander the beautiful park trails with our cameras.

One of the hidden bench hide-aways
 after lunch, we’ll channel our thoughts for the day into in an expressive mixed media art project, share what we’ve learned (optional of course!) and leave refreshed and ready to ease back into our daily routines.  there will be many other surprises imbedded in the day.  i do hope you will join us!!  we are hoping that this is the first of many such days and we are offering a special price to get things rolling!

In the children's Music Garden
 there will be some discounts available: for bringing a friend, for helping with set-up 
and for my former retreaters.  please e-mail me with any questions.
Online registration now available!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sinking In

it’s all over so quickly, but as i told my retreaters, little bits of goodness keep popping into my brain and letting me know that they are there to stay.  wanted to share a few of the special retreat moments:

  • lying down on our backs on the deck gazing at the constellations
  • discovering a lingering patch of snow and making snowballs 

  • finding juicy tidbits in the books we brought to share
  • navigating and holding out a hand to help each other across the many rain-swollen creeks

  • sharing ideas of what true nourishment means to each of us
  • coloring mandalas

  • moments alone on top of the rocks with the sunrise - twice
  • stumbling upon things i had never seen even though it was my third time there

  • watching each person’s altered photos come out in such unique ways

  • collaborating on a mosaic project and seeing the results
  • seeing women who just met connect and engage in deep conversations


Monday, April 4, 2011


preheat oven to a perfect temperature – not too hot, not too cold

main ingredient: a group of courageous, diverse women; open-minded, accepting, ready to share, and virtually brimming with creative talents (some obvious, some requiring a bit of digging to uncover)

other ingredients:

a variety of art projects
beautiful hiking trails
delicious meals
snacks of all sorts
juicy conversations
good wine
good coffee
stacks of stimulating books
hot tub under a star-studded sky

gather all ingredients and mix gently in a majestic mountain lodge surrounded by acres of open land and fabulous views.  toss in a few random surprises, a couple of amazing sunrises, constantly changing swirling mists and bake for an entire weekend.  remove from oven, top with a shared energy circle and sprinkle with love.

yield: an experience like no other (once you go, you get it)  

warning: results may be long-lasting, possibly lifelong.

(i’m a lucky girl….)


 (all photos taken april 1-3, 2011, Space Between 3 Creativity Retreat, Palomar Mountain)