
Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's a Wrap!!

it started small.  in fact i had to cancel the first class due to lack of interest.  um, yes, discouraging… especially given the hours of work that went into planning, setting up, etc.….

 but i persisted.  with the encouragement of the gallery directors and a few other individuals i stayed the course, pushed those pesky negative demons to the side and moved forward….

 i have already written about the first class and now the other 2 in the Creativity Unleashed series have been completed.

we wrote, we shared, we created, we played, we connected… we had a show and tell demo time that blew everyone away with the sheer creative diversity!  we discussed so many aspects of the creative life and in so-doing, every one of us re-discovered the magic that can happen when we open our hearts and minds to the creative spirit and to each other.

to end on that note would be nothing short of thrilling for me.  but there’s more!  the group decided that a good thing has been put into motion and that we don’t want it to end.  we have already planned our next get-together.  from there, who knows?

i am beyond grateful to these women.  and renewed once again in my confidence to keep moving forward and trust the process.  yes.

Love these gals!