

I do not do any kind of formal evaluation, but I have received quite a few (unsolicited) feedback comments following the retreats which have really warmed my heart 
and I wanted to share them here: 

“Thank you, Patty, for putting this all together so beautifully!   It is such a wonderful feeling to be taken in & accepted so easily, so hoped for yet so rarely realized.  I feel a peace that has not left me yet and I am determined to hold on tight!

I loved all the artistic sharing, having never considered myself creative or artistic, it was so fun to just play with stones, paper & photos and realize that, YES, I can do this!

I feel like I have 5 new Sisters and again, thank you all, this weekend meant SO much more than I can put into words.”

“I wanted to send you a big thank you. I faced my monsters this time and seem to have survived. I am inspired and invigorated. You have imbued me-us with the wealth of friendship and growth. It was a blessing and I loved it. Thank you. I also loved the master bedroom. I felt very pampered and happy there!  I can barely wait to come to the next retreat!”

“Thanks for all the time and loving thought that you put into this retreat….. I’m so glad that I was free to go in body, mind and spirit.  The mountain was serene, clean and snowy.  The air was pure, the friends were sweet and the memories will be cherished.  I loved my special suite!”

“I am so grateful I attended your retreat because I am feeling so much happier and full of hope.”

“You are a wonderful facilitator.”

“I want to thank you for the care that you put into the weekend, and that you cared about our experience. It was so lovely.  Thank you for your warmth and acceptance.  It was a unique and valuable experience for me.  I have been sharing my experiences with friends. I would love to go again - there were so many levels to why it nourished me!”

“The retreat did what I hoped it would, which was to get me out of my rut, connecting with other artists, and feeling creative!”

"I was at times almost teary when it came into my mind how rare these types of artistic soul conversations have been in my life and how much I need them...  I am so grateful to you, Patty, for beginning them."

“I gained some insights and feel that I have some things to think seriously (or playfully) about. The shiva nata experience was very interesting and I loved the questions that we wrote about. And, of course, I loved the soul collage project.”

“I learned a lot from you and am still learning from the experience. I enjoyed it tremendously.”

"Thank you for putting together such a wonderful retreat!  It was truly another step in cultivating the seeds of growth along a new path for me. I am confident my new garden will soon take root and grow".
“The retreat was wonderful! The warm cozy setting, candlelight dinners, roaring fire, great views and sharing by interesting people all contributed to a sensational retreat!!"
"Thanks for planning and leading the workshop. Thanks too for the goody bags!"