
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Save the Dates!

True or False:

  • i feel strong when i nourish my body.
  • i feel sharp when i nourish my mind.
  • i feel enlightened when i nourish my spirit
  • creativity is an excellent source of nourishment
  • relationships can nourish and enrich my life

if you answered “true” to one or more of the above, 
you would be an excellent candidate for the next  
space between creativity retreat
aptly themed, 


come spend a few days nourishing your body, mind and spirit 
in the mountains of san diego county

join a small group of women who are interested in spending some time
hiking, journaling, creating and sharing, 
all in the comfort of a luxurious mountain lodge.

you do not have to be an artist to attend this retreat! 
in fact, you don’t even have to think of yourself as creative
(you are, but you may not know it yet!)

save the dates:
march 24-26, 2011

details to follow  
pricing will remain around the $300 - $325 level (all-inclusive) 
with discounts for previous attenders or bringing a friend

limited spots available  
no commitment required at this time, 
but please let me know if you are interested.  
 you can email me at:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What's Next??

now that i’ve had a month to bask in the warmth of the october retreat  and had another amazing opportunity to retreat with my scarf sisters in manzanita, my little brain is starting to knock on the door of my heart and ask this question.  what is the next step?  do i want to plan another retreat??  

i feel that there is a momentum that has been created and i want to go with that flow but i do want the retreats to evolve and i want to evolve with them.   for me they are a very special means of creative expression and, hence, they should never become stagnant.  they should grow as i grow.  as i learn new truth and wisdom, those elements will be translated into retreat elements.  and since each retreat is a huge growth experience for me, i want that growth to be reflected in each subsequent retreat.  

at this point in time i cannot elaborate as to what those details will be, but when i am able to articulate them, this blog will be the vehicle for sharing them.  i’m toying with the idea of some possible themes and also considering 2 retreats for spring –  one small and intimate as the others have been and maybe one a little longer/ larger (hence more expensive) with a guest artist or 2.  stay tuned!

P.S.  thinking of the last weekend in march 2011.  open to suggestion!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

7 is an Odd Number

so is it possible to bring together 7 women of very different backgrounds,  ages, lifestyles and experiences and end with a result that is filled with goodness, beauty, inspiration,  and love???  i am here to tell you the answer and it is a resounding YES!!

was it the constantly swirling mists with the light peeking shyly through ever so often?

or the white space between the swirling that our brains discovered following shiva nata practice?

was it the juicy conversations going on all day long with kindred souls who we felt really “got us”?

or the amazing variety of soul collage cards and their insights created and shared with the group?

was it the lovingly prepared, healthy and colorful meals?

or the interesting array of gourmet snacks everyone brought to share?

was it the intensity of the colors of nature muted by the flowing mists escorting the route on our hikes?

or the dilapidated barn we discovered and hung out at?

was it the cozy comfort of a rip-roaring fire in an inviting mountain lodge?

or the spirit woman stories shared amidst candlelight and said fire?

was it the lilting lines of soul-touching poetry filling the empty spaces?

or the insights being jotted down all through our days
 in each personal journal?

was it the vast smorgasbord of inspiring books available for our perusal?

or the excitement of making plans for the future
with friends we had only met 2 days before?

well, none of the above in isolation could produce the enchantment that we all were so fortunate to able to soak into..... but all of the above in combination..... well, i'm thinking that 7 is a MAGIC NUMBER!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Final Details

yup – that’s the stage i’m at.  shopping, putting together folders for the girls,  going over the itinerary,  putting  the finishing touches on  my powerpoints, sending out the final “homework” and “what to bring” list, checking the weather….

and getting excited!  i feel so much more confident having been through all of this once before.  i know in my heart that it’s going to be so wonderful and i truly cannot wait to greet each and every participant and give them a great big hug.  oh happy day!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 More Weeks!!

hard to believe after all this time planning and anticipating that it is just 3 more weeks till the fall retreat!!  just like with the spring retreat, there was a time when i had a lot of doubts, when i thought it was not going to come together - when there were not enough participants to make it happen.  i had put so much time and effort into it and i felt that it was crashing down around me.

i'm learning to trust.... (slowly it seems...)  i'm now completely convinced that the group of 7 brave and beautiful souls signed up for the retreat is the perfect mix.  women of different ages and backgrounds, different talents and life journeys.  i just know that it's going to be amazing!

after the heat we have been having here in southern ca, i'm loving posting these very fall-like pics taken last year up on mt. palomar.  there is certainly a good chance for lovely fall weather, but i have to remind myself that there is always a risk when heading up into the mountains.  it could rain or - gulp -snow!  things may not go exactly as planned and that's ok.

at the last retreat, when we drove out to to the site of our morning hike, we discovered that, unbeknownst to us, it was turkey-hunting season. yikes - hunters! with guns! this was not in the plans!

i had to change the hiking destination at the last minute.  here is carolyn making the best of the situation and posing with one of the poor captured turkeys!  (not my thing at all!) so, my point is, it won't be perfect.  nothing ever is.  but it's going to be great.  i can feel it in my bones!!  can't wait!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's About the People!

i was having a conversation last night with some friends, one of whom was one of my former retreaters.  this was her comment: "although i loved the setting, the hiking and doing the collage, the very best part of the retreat was the people".  i couldn't have said it better - it is SO MUCH about the people!  i can pick a beautiful setting, plan stimulating activites and discussion topics, choose a delicious menu, but at some point, it is all out of my hands. 

the magic that happens at a retreat happens because of the connections.  and when you bring people together that are open and want to learn from each other, there is a pretty strong guarantee that this magic will unfold! once that spark is ignited, there is no telling where it will lead. we will grow in new ways that we couldn't even possibly anticipate.

so i'm excited!  now that i have a group in place, i'm ready to start planning the details of the october retreat and putting together my little "curriculum" (yes, i'm still influenced by all those years of teaching, but this is much more fun!)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Your Inner Artist

isn’t it about time to get re-acquainted with your inner artist? what – didn’t know you had one?? highly unlikely!! remember those days as a child when you played, drew, painted, cut and pasted with abandon? and you proudly showed your work to your mom or your teacher? you weren’t worried about form or line or color or perfection – it was the process that was exhilarating! and the fact that you yourself created something from nothing and it was totally unique, never before seen by any other human being! stop what you’re doing – right now – and try to remember that feeling!

that’s what this long weekend will be about. recapturing the desire to create, whatever your medium might be. whether it’s painting or decorating or cooking or gardening or photography or……well, you get the idea. it’s amazing what can happen when you get together in the company of others who are wanting to rekindle their own sparks. it’s something i can’t tell you in words. you just have to experience it for yourself!!

and what better place to experience it than high atop mt. palomar at a gorgeous mountain lodge set in the pine trees. the retreat experience will begin well before the retreat itself as i will be sending out (optional) “homework” assignments to get you thinking about the topics we will explore together.

  • read all 4 posts (especially the welcome one) and check the pages listed upper right for complete retreat details.


Saturday, July 24, 2010


Dave Storer says, "We are all born with incredible creative abilities, and few things in life make us happier than fully engaging those abilities.  To let a belief that we haven't the proper "permission" - from either society, family and friends, or ourselves - stop us from developing our creative abilities and expressing our deepest, truest selves in the best creative way we know how would be a terrible loss."

Do you struggle (as so many of us do!) with giving yourself permission to do the things you really love? We all have so many responsibilities it seems, so many things that need our attention, so many things that are unfinished. It can be really difficult to let those things go even for a short time and step away into a space that is different. But different in a good way! Nourishing. Positive. Enriching.

I so believe in the truth of the quote above. Once you have mustered the courage to give yourself that needed permission and do allow yourself to step away, there is no turning back. The mystery that awaits you is powerful. It will change you in ways that you can’t yet imagine. I know this is true!

look forward to hearing from you!!

(as always - all photos taken in the area of the retreat)

Friday, July 2, 2010

July Updates

I’ll be on the road for a bit, but wanted to share some exciting updates regarding the October retreat before I go:

Only 5 spots left for this retreat!!

I know some of you are unfamiliar with Shiva Nata (me too!) Here is Elizabeth’s own brief explanation:

 Shiva Nata is a form of movement that restructures and creates new neural connections in your brain. It's probably useful to know that it's really challenging, but it's also a practice where if you're doing it wrong, you're really doing it right. And the new neural connections can help you generate ideas and insights, which is wonderful and addictive.”

Sounds intriguing, yes?? I can’t wait to learn more!

Long-time friend and longer-time artist Carole Lee will be joining us and will be sharing some of her wisdom.

I've added a "Why I'm Doing This" page that you may find of interest.

Scroll down to read the other information about the upcoming retreat.  Be sure to become a follower if you would like to receive further updates.

I'll be in some remote areas while I'm gone, but I will respond to any emails eventually.

Thank you so much for stopping!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


  • Is it time you did something just for you?
  • Do you long for connection, conversation and support beyond the small talk level?
  • Do you feel a desire to connect with nature?
  • Do you long to step away from your life for a brief time?
  • Do you want to explore new ideas and techniques for creative expression in a supportive environment?
If you answered "yes",
then you have come to the right place!!

Welcome to the Space Between!! You may recognize this title from a great Dave Matthews song, but it is also the chosen title for a very special experience. It represents the space that you give to yourself between the constant demands of your everyday life. A space in which you not only step away from those demands, but in which you expand your personal experience, nourish your body, mind and spirit in a beautiful and peaceful natural setting and connect with other like-mined souls. If you have not yet had an opportunity like this, you are in for a treat!!

The retreats take place at a luxurious mountain lodge high atop Mt. Palomar, in northeast San Diego County. There are 8 acres to explore, providing plenty of space for roaming, but we are also right down the road from the Palomar Mountain State Park and its network of hiking trails. Time is scheduled in a way that provides structure to the retreat, but plenty of free time is built in as well. With no more than 10 women, the retreats are intimate and comfortable.

We are currently setting up the fall retreat which will take place October 21 – 23, 2010, with the option for an additional night of mostly open-ended time.

 Our regular activities include:

Self-Discovery exercises
Inspirational Powerpoints
Structured and unstructured sharing
Soul Collage-type activity
Preparation "homework"

For this retreat, we are also hoping to incorporate:

Gourd Art with Carolyn Wolf-Russell
Shiva Nata with Elizabeth Halt

Pricing information here.

I hope that you will consider joining us!  We still have a few spots available for this retreat.  Please email me with any questions or to save a spot.
