Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Creative Play Recap

there were so many wonderful things about this retreat it’s hard to know where to start!  first of all, these ladies came as a group.  they work together and get along so well that they like to play together too.  how awesome is that?? so a “creative play” retreat seemed like the perfect theme!

i had never been up to the lodge at this time of year before but it was truly magnificent.  the clouds below framed by shining green ferns and punctuated with lavender and purple lupine…. totally dreamy. 



we spent time outside and hiked in the forest, capturing the beauties of nature, as well as “playing” with it a little.

 we spent hours happily creating….. watercolor, nature prints, tile painting and mandalas. we had a “show and tell” for our beautiful creations. 

we had gourmet meals served by our amazing “head chef” elissa who is a master of delightful presentation. delicious and beautiful.  oh, and a well-stocked bar.

 we relaxed.  we laughed a lot.  there were goody bags and a raffle.  and there was dancing….

 we shared stories, ideas, hopes and dreams, and things of the heart…..connecting and bonding in the process.

 there is a lot of planning that goes into something like this…. but to me it mostly feels like play and not work.  i was deeply honored to be a part of it.

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